|Teenager Stories 5! Hi! I'm Sandi, and by now I expect you will have read a bit about me, so I won't bore you with the introductions! I thought I'd tell you about some of the fun that me and my friend Jackie had when we went on holiday a couple of years ago. We were both taking our GCSE's that year, and we had been so busy preparing for our exams that we had hardly had a chance to get up to any of our naughty tricks, apart from the occasional groping session with each other round at Jackie's. One day, just before we were due to sit our last exams, Jackie had said to me, "Why don't we go away on holiday together and relax after all this studying?" I thought this was a great idea and together we hatched a plan to get enough money together to go abroad (but then you know about that if you've read my previous adventures). We decided on Spain, since it would be nice and hot, and we had been told that there was plenty of good crumpet out there (male AND female), so off we went to the travel agents to see what sort of cancellation offers they had, and came out having booked ourselves 2 weeks in Majorca (well, it's nearly Spain!) leaving the following week. We went home in a state of great excitement to pack, looking forward to some sea, sun and, well, you can probably guess the rest! We arrived in Majorca to be greeted by beautiful hot sunshine, quite unlike the wind and rain we'd left behind in England, and we took a taxi to our hotel. When we arrived, we were shown to our room, which was a nice double one with a balcony overlooking the swimming pool. Straight away, we started to unpack and get changed into something a bit cooler. But it wasn't going to be as simple as that! I had just taken off my skirt and slipped my knickers down, and was bending down to take them off completely when I felt Jackie run a finger along my slit, starting just below my bum and running it round to my hard little clit. Maybe it was the fact that I hadn't had a good shagging in ages, or perhaps it was the sunshine, but I suddenly felt so horny that nothing else mattered. Within seconds, my pussy started to juice up, and my little pink cunt lips started to grow more and more engorged, pouting wetly. Jackie started to rub her fingers over my labia, making them stiffen even more and causing my clit to begin to swell and throb. I sighed in ecstasy and would have fallen flat on my face on the floor if I hadn't been facing the bed at the time. I lay there on my front, my feet on the floor and my bum just hanging over the edge. "Hang on a minute, Sandi", said Jackie, "I've got a surprise for you." Then she went over to her suitcase and started rummaging around in it. She was behind me, so I couldn't see what she was up to, but it wasn't long before I found out! She walked back, and started working her fingers along my slit, thrusting inside my hole every now and then, really getting me steamed up. Then, all of a sudden, I felt my cunt get stretched wide open as she thrust something up me. I craned round to see her shoving one end of her huge double dildo into me. I should have guessed what it was, after all I'd bought it for her as a joke Christmas present, but right now it was me that was getting all of the benefit from it! Then, as I craned my head round to watch, Jackie stood up on tiptoe and held the end of the dildo to the opening of her cunt, then lowered herself gently on to it, so she was straddling my legs. The movement of her slipping onto the thick shaft that was buried inside me made great waves of pleasure spread from my cunt, and I moaned as she carried on impaling herself on her end of the dildo. Because I had my legs closed around it, the stim- ulation my cunt was getting was even better than usual, and as Jackie started to pump it in and out of me I knew I couldn't hold out long. She was crying out in ecstasy as the thick shaft slid in and out of her and I had my face buried in the bedclothes as the force of her thrusts pushed me back and forth on the bed, which was rubbing my mound and clit up against the side of the bed. My cunt started to contract round the dildo that was buried inside me, clenching it as the waves of orgasm started to flow from my juicy snatch. Then I cried out as my clit throbbed with the force of my climax while Jackie kept on pumping away at my cunt. Just as I finished climaxing, I heard the door latch click. I looked round to see the door opening and the maid looking in with an expression of complete shock on her face. It was quite obvious that she had never seen anybody being fucked before, let alone two horny teenage girls like us. She stood there at the door for an eternity before muttering what sounded like an apology in Spanish before popping her head back round the door and closing it. Jackie grinned and said, "Well, I bet she wasn't expecting to see this! I wonder what she's thinking now?". I replied, "Well, if I was her, I'd be wondering how to get in on all the fun!". We both laughed and Jackie said "Come on then, last one in the pool gets to do all the licking tonight!" before climbing off me, leaving the dildo sticking obscenely out of my cunt like a flagpole. Carefully, I stood up and pulled it out of me, and made a big show out of licking Jackie's end. "Mmmm, well if this is anything to go by, Jackie, you can just rush on down there and I'll follow you. I'd be quite happy to spend all night licking you out the way this tastes!" With that, I started to get my bikini on: I'd brought the skimpiest one I could find, and it barely covered my cunt, and had a thin string that went up my bum crack, with a top that pushed my firm tits up and together. Five minutes later, we came out, and I locked the room as Jackie started to walk down the corridor. As I walked down after her she suddenly stopped and put her finger to her lips. "Shhh", she whispered, and pointed to a door which was slightly ajar, "That maid's in there, and I don't think she's making beds!". We both peered through the crack and there was the maid who had come in on our sex session, lying back on the bed, with her black dress up round her waist and both hands obviously busy with her snatch. Every now and then a little whimper escaped her lips as she tried to bring herself off. Before I could stop her, Jackie had barged into the room and as I followed her in, she had gone straight over to the surprised maid and, lifting her legs apart, had dived between them and was licking and slurping away at her cunt. As I walked over to the bed, I nearly tripped over the maid's knickers, where they had been flung aside in her haste to start playing with herself. She was obviously so surprised by the speed of Jackie's arrival that she didn't have time to protest, and pretty soon she was really getting into it. Standing there behind Jackie, watching her gorgeous bum, barely covered by her skimpy bikini bottoms, I started getting all turned on again, and before I could stop myself, I had rushed forward and pulled them down to expose her juicy cunt and soft white arse. Holding her cunt lips apart with one hand, I started fingering her snatch with the other. She was still so wet from having had the dildo up her that I managed to slip first one, then two, and finally three fingers up inside her hole, working them in and out of her. The maid was becoming more and more excited by what was being done to her, and she was thrashing up and down as Jackie carried on nuzzling her soaking gash with her tongue and lips, pushing her fingers inside her tight cunt hole, then suddenly she came, crying out in Spanish as she shook with the sensations that Jackie was stimulating inside her. As she climaxed, Jackie started to pant as the attention I was giving to her gash started to bring her to orgasm. Panting and bucking her arse as she came, she carried on licking the maid's juicy cunt until her climax hit her and all she could do was to lie quivering on the bed. I think the maid must have become a bit embarrassed about what was going on, because she started to try and get up from the bed. Jackie climbed out from between her thighs and said "What time do you come off duty?" before she had a chance to go. The maid replied, "At eight o'clock, after the dinner is being served". "See you in our room at eight, then. Do you understand?", said Jackie, giving her a big wink, and reaching down to grope her sopping snatch one last time. "Oh yes" replied the maid, nodding urgently, "I understand good!" and quickly got up off the bed, adjusting her skirt and starting to tidy up as Jackie and me went out of the room. We weren't really all that interested in swimming after all that, but we went down and hung around in the pool, discussing what we were going to do that evening. Jackie wasn't sure whether the maid would come back, but I reckoned that she wouldn't be able to resist one of Jackie's cunt-licking sessions now she'd had a taster of what was on the way. At about 6 o'clock, we went back inside to change before we went down and had dinner. We were sitting in the restaurant when the same maid appeared at out table, serving the dinner. Jackie gave her bum a sneaky grope while she was serving up the food, and we were both surprised when she smirked and patted her cunt through her uniform dress. When we had finished our meal, we both rushed up to our room to get ready. I could see that Jackie was as excited about the evening ahead from the way she ran up the stairs and burst into the room. We had about half an hour to get ready, and we both went into the shower to cool off before changing into something to suit the occasion. When we had finished, Jackie was wearing a sleeveless T-shirt that exposed the sides of her boobs when she leaned even slightly forward, not that anybody was going to notice that, since she was wearing no knickers, and the T-shirt barely went down over her pubes. I had a pair of shorts on, that were cut really high at the sides, to show most of my juicy little bum, and a cut-off T-shirt that just covered my tits, leaving the bottoms of them peeking out underneath. We had brought a couple of bottles of wine up with us, and we decided to have a couple of glasses while we waited for the maid, who had told us at dinner that she was called Maria, to arrive. By 10 to 8 we were a little bit drunk, and were falling about on the bed and giggling as we messed about with each other's young bodies. "The trouble is", slurred Jackie, "that what I REALLY need right now is some thick stiff dick up me!" "You'll have to wait then, Jackie" I replied, "But we'll go out later and see what we can find. Me, I'm just looking forward to teaching Maria how to give a good licking.". Just as we spoke, there was a gentle knock on the door. Me and Jackie rushed over to open it, and Maria walked in. She had obviously come straight up from work, because she was still wearing her uniform, and she quickly shut the door behind her. "I must not be seen in the guests' rooms," she explained, "or the manager, he will give me the sack!". Jackie went over and poured Maria a glass of wine, while she sat down on the bed. "I am a little bit, how you say, nervous" she said to me, "I think you should know I am virgin.". I gasped, nearly choking on my wine: it had never occurred to me that Maria, who looked about 25, might never have known the feeling of a stiff thick cock sliding up her. "Well in that case," I said, "we've got lots to show you then!", then I leaned forwards and started to unbutton the front of her uniform, to let her breasts swing free. I was a bit surprised to find that she wasn't wearing a bra - her dark juicy tits nestled invitingly and I couldn't wait to get my lips round one of her brown nipples. I carried on unbuttoning her dress, and when it was completely undone, I opened it up. Maria was by now leaning back on the bed, and was watching me with a look of interest as I started to caress her brown body. Kneeling on the floor between her legs, I took one of her succulent tits in my hands, and gently started to nibble and suck on her nipple. She gasped, and almost immediately, the nipple started to harden and swell. Quickly, I turned my attentions to the other breast, making Maria moan softly and I could feel her breathing deepen as she started to relax into it. As I carried on stimulating her tits, I could feel her pushing up with her hips to rub her mound against my belly. I could feel my cunt start to pulse as the blood rushed to it and, glancing sideways, I saw Jackie sitting on a chair with her legs spread wide, fingering her wet snatch. Maria still had her knickers on, and I suddenly got the urge to bury my face in her muff, so I lifted up her feet so they were on the edge of the bed, and started to pull her panties down. She soon got the message, and lifted up her bottom to let me remove them. As I slid them down, she wriggled so that her head was at the other side of the bed, and there was room for me to kneel between her warm inviting thighs. With both thumbs I parted her labia and put my lips to her musky cunt, inhaling her smell. Then I gently poked my tongue out and slowly worked it up the length of her snatch, probing and caressing every warm juicy fold as I made my way to her clit which by the time I reached it was stiff and protruding. As my tongue lashed across it, Maria let out a long shuddering moan, then I felt her stiffen as she came, lifting her arse off the bed and trembling as she revelled in the sensations my tongue was giving her. All this was making me extremely horny, and my cunt needed some serious attention so, not sure what Maria would make of it, I climbed onto the bed and straddled her face. Before I could lower my cunt to her mouth, she said "I am sorry, Sandi, but I have not done this thing before - I do not know what I must do.". "Don't worry," I said, "Just stick your tongue out like this". I poked out my tongue, making it pointed and stiff, "Then just let me do all the work.". Maria stuck out her tongue, and carefully I lowered my cunt so that it was just pushing at the entrance to my pussy, then I started to move back and forth a tiny bit, just enough to have Maria's tongue rub between my cunt hole and the tight bud of my clit. "Mmmm", I heard her say then, letting her head fall back so she could speak, she said, "Oh, Sandi, you taste nice. I must lick you some more.". Well, it was obvious that Maria was a natural at this sort of thing! Her tongue started to rasp up and down, and from side to side, first pushing into me, then licking me in great long strokes, then probing my crevices. Before long, I could feel my legs trembling as my climax started. I was desparate for her to lick my clit so she could bring me off, but she was still working out what was what, and her tongue carried on stimulating me enough to drive me crazy with lust, but not enough to make me come. Meanwhile, Jackie had got up and walked round between me, holding the dildo. She lay on her front on the bed between Maria's thighs, and in between gasps, I said "Don't hurt her, Jackie. Remember she's never been fucked before." Jackie nodded, and I went back to concentrating on the exquisite sensations that Maria was creating in my pussy. I had never been turned on quite so much without coming, and I could feel my climax rise, then subside as Maria's questing tongue first flicked over, then moved away from my throbbing clit. Then I heard Maria gasp and looked round to see Jackie slipping two fingers into Maria's soaking cunt. Slowly she started to fuck Maria with her fingers, sliding them in and out before she suddenly pushed them right in. Maria stiffened, then cried out as Jackie's fingers took her virginity then, as Jackie's lips and tongue joined in on Maria's cunt, she purred with pleasure and started to lick my horny snatch again. Looking up for a moment, Jackie said "It's just how I lost mine, and it's not so bad!", before picking up the dildo and sliding the tip into Maria. I could feel Maria move her hips around as she got used to the feeling of being filled up with a stiff cock, even if it was a fake one, and before long, Jackie had got most of Maria's half of the double dildo into her. Then, squatting astride Maria's hips, Jackie placed her end inside the entrance to her own pussy and in one quick movement slid the whole length inside her. "Mmmmm, that feels so nice!", she murmured, and started to pump herself up and down, holding on to me for balance. I know what that dildo feels like up me, and I could imagine what it was doing inside Maria's tight virgin cunt, and she moaned and bucked with pleasure while she carried on licking me out. Jackie must have already been really turned on, because it wasn't long before she was gripping me hard and really thrashing up and down as her orgasm hit her. All this extra stimulation was getting to Maria, because I could hear her sharp moans as each thrust of the dildo drove it deep into her, rubbing her clit against Jackie's as their hips thrashed around together. Jackie must have made an extra big thrust then because Maria's head came up and her mouth clamped around my cunt, her tongue lashing across my clit and labia in a frenzy as she rocked with her second climax of the evening. It was too much for me, and I let go with my own orgasm, sobbing and crying out. It was the best climax I had ever had, washing over me and making me rock and shudder as each successive wave of pleasure hit me. I suppose, what with all the noise we were making, somebody had to have heard us, because for the second time since we had arrived at the hotel, the door opened and two blokes walked in. Both of them stood there, their eyes popping out of their heads as they watched the three of us thrashing on the bed. After all the sucking and fucking we'd been doing, the smell of sex filled the room and I could see the bulges in their trousers as they realised what was going on. "Come on then, lads,", I called out, "Are you just going to stand there watching or what?". I climbed off Maria, who was still lying totally knackered on the bed, and went over to them. Pushing the door shut behind them, I knelt on the floor and started to undo the flies of the one nearest me. Pretty soon, I had his trousers and briefs down round his ankles, and his stiff cock in my hands. It was a long one, but I was surprised at how slim it was, although it was extremely stiff. His foreskin had rolled back slightly, exposing his purple helmet. I couldn't wait any longer to taste him, so I opened my mouth and gobbled up his entire length. Then, cupping his balls in my hand and squeezing and caressing them gently, I started to suck on his cock, sliding it in and out of my mouth, tickling the helmet and tracing all the veins with my tongue. His friend struggled out of his trousers and went round behind me, then without further ado just slid his cock all the way into me. I could feel from the way my cunt was stretched open that the prick that was fucking me was most definitely a good thick one, just how I like them. He started to get into his stride, pulling his cock right out of me then ramming it all the way back in until his balls banged against my thighs. With the sucking I was giving his friend, it wasn't long before I felt his cock stiffen and start to shoot come into my mouth. With each spurt, I gripped his balls and squeezed every last drop out of him, lapping it up and holding it in my mouth. As he finished climaxing, the guy shagging my cunt started to pump spurts of come up me too, grunting and gasping as my pussy walls sucked him dry. "Come on, Sandi, let's have some of that come" said Jackie, who had by now climbed off Maria, and was now lying beside her, one hand stroking between her legs and one on her own fanny as she watched me being fucked at both ends. I couldn't say anything with my mouth full of semen, so I went over to her and, holding her cunt lips open, dribbled it into her. "I meant, so I can taste it!" she laughed. "You can", I replied, "out of MY cunt. That's for Maria - we've got to consider her education, you know!". Then I climbed onto the bed and lay back, legs spread wide. Jackie went on all fours over me, so she could start licking the come that had been pumped into my snatch. She lapped it up while Maria knelt up on the bed to lick Jackie out, holding her bum cheeks wide with both hands so she could bury her face in Jackie's pussy - she had definitely got a taste for sperm! She was so intent on this that she was totally unaware of the guy who I had sucked off coming up behind her. Holding her cunt open with one hand, he fed the tip of his cock into her. I could see her face just above me, and from the look of pleasure that passed across it, she was clearly enjoying her first cock - she was getting quite an education! It was obviously a tight fit though, because he was having to slip it in a little bit at a time, although she was soaking wet, but with each thrust it slid in a little further and I heard Maria uttering little grunts of satisfaction. I heard the other guy tell his friend to move over a bit, and he and Maria moved sideways. Then, inches above my face, while Jackie licked my cunt clean, I watched the cock that had fucked me so thoroughly slide smoothly into Jackie's greasy cunt, then start pumping in and out. Not wanting to miss out on the action, I pulled Jackie down towards me and started to lick her clit, while her tongue probed my cunt. The thick prick shafting her soon had the same effect as it had on me, and she started to buck, pushing her arse up at her lover, moaning out and shouting "Fuck me, oh that's lovely, mmm!" as she came. The guy fucking her pulled his cock out as her climax finished, then jerking himself off, he came all over her buttocks and cunt, letting it drip down over my face. Quickly, I grabbed his cock and sucked it clean, before starting on her rear. My attention was diverted by Maria, who was really enjoying her first fuck, and was crying out in Spanish as the guy shafting her slid his cock in the last bit and had started to pump away at her cunt. She was so tight that it didn't take long for her to start coming again, and as her pussy contracted and relaxed, it set him off, and with a couple more thrusts he started coming. Before he could shoot his sperm inside her, he too pulled out and came over her bum, shooting jets of thick white come across her cheeks so they ran down her bum crack. Jackie climbed off me and rushed round to lick it up before I could get to it, and had slid under Maria and was licking the come off her while she finished off the job I had started on Jackie. What a wonderful start to our holiday! End